Find National Archives and Presidential Libraries sessions at the 2017 NCSS conference.
Tag: hoover_library
Summer Programs Around the National Archives
We have a fun summer planned for both families and educators at our National Archives and Presidential Library locations around the country! July Fourth Come to the home of the Declaration of Independence to join us as we celebrate our nation's birthday! If you can't come in person to Washington, DC, join through YouTube and … Continue reading Summer Programs Around the National Archives
Summertime Professional Development at our Presidential Libraries
This summer, join us for one of our professional development workshops for educators on using primary sources in the classroom at the Truman, Eisenhower, or Hoover Library.
Summer Professional Development Opportunities
Join us for summer PD!
Reorganizing the Executive Branch: Distance Learning with the Hoover Library
We offer two free interactive videoconferencing programs on Digital Learning Day, Feb. 17: "Reorganizing the Executive Branch: Hoover and the Federal Government."
Join us at NCSS!
Our sessions cover the Bill of Rights, the amendment process, civics, and teaching NHD and C3 with primary sources.
Newly Digitized Hoover Presidential Documents
At the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, Primarily Teaching workshop participants explored documents from Herbert Hoover’s time as the 31st President of the United States.
Congratulations NHD Winners!
To those students who were involved in National History Day this year, a job well done! We are especially delighted to send our warmest congratulations to students who attended workshops or researched at our National Archives or Presidential Library locations and took their projects all the way to the national contest in College Park, MD, last … Continue reading Congratulations NHD Winners!
Segregation and a Controversial White House Tea Party: A Distance Learning Program
Two programs on March 13 will discuss segregation and the political ramifications of First Lady Lou Hoover's decision to invite the wife of an African-American Congressmen to tea.
Open Registration for Summer Professional Development
We are now accepting applications for Primarily Teaching—our summer institute for educators on using historical documents in the classroom. Learn more and apply online. Summer 2015 workshops will be held at our locations in: Atlanta (Morrow, GA) June 22–26 Chicago, June 22–26 Seattle, July 6–10 Washington, DC, July 6–10 West Branch, IA, July 20–24 All workshops will have a national theme—Exploration, … Continue reading Open Registration for Summer Professional Development