A Transcription Challenge

A tool in our new online catalog allows you to transcribe any of the millions of digitized primary sources in our holdings. This week in particular, we've set a goal to collectively transcribe 1,000 pages.   Transcription is just one part of our Citizen Archivist Dashboard — where we provide opportunities for the public to participate in projects that add value to our holdings … Continue reading A Transcription Challenge

The Roosevelts and Race: A Distance Learning Program

Registration is now open for two programs on February 18th: "The Roosevelts and Race in the 1930s and 40s" at 10:00–10:50 a.m. and 2:00–2:50 p.m. CST. Despite overwhelming support from the African American electorate, FDR's fear of losing the support of long-serving southern Democrats in Congress kept him from becoming a champion of civil rights. This … Continue reading The Roosevelts and Race: A Distance Learning Program

A Variety of Resources for Educators

We offer distance learning programs, a Constitution-based learning lab, our new Bill of Rights eBook and iPad app, and many other online and in-person resources.

National Archives Documents in New iPad App–The New Immigrants: NYC 1880-1924

Over thirty National Archives documents are part of a free educational app for the iPad called the New Immigrants: NYC 1880-1924. Created by the New York City Department of Education (via app developer Vanguard Direct), the app includes photographs, written documents, graphs and charts from the National Archives related to the topic of New York City … Continue reading National Archives Documents in New iPad App–The New Immigrants: NYC 1880-1924

The Importance of Treaties for Teaching American Indian History

Start teaching the history of a Native American tribe or tribes using American Indian Treaties and our online tools.