September 17th is Constitution Day! On September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document that they had spent weeks creating: the Constitution of the United States. However, the Constitution is only one of our founding documents. The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights … Continue reading New for Constitution Day: Distance Learning for Students and a Professional Development Webinar
Tag: PD
Educator Open House in Washington, DC
Attention DC area educators! Please join us for our annual Educators Open House on Thursday, September 13th from 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. at the National Archives in Washington, DC. Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served. Enjoy a special after-hours viewing of our exhibits, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Meet … Continue reading Educator Open House in Washington, DC
New DocsTeach Webinars Available upon Request
We are happy to announce a new program in our line-up of professional development webinars: "DocsTeach On Demand." Connect your school or district for an on-demand webinar exploring DocsTeach, the online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives. Prior to the webinar, a National Archives educator will work with you to determine what … Continue reading New DocsTeach Webinars Available upon Request
Summer Professional Development Around the National Archives
This summer, join us for one of our professional development workshops for educators. Professional Development Webinars Visit the National Archives without leaving your school or home! Our interactive webinars feature resources and strategies for bringing primary sources into your classroom: An Introduction to and Online Resources from the National Archives, August 13 & 17 … Continue reading Summer Professional Development Around the National Archives
“The Struggle for Voting Rights” Workshop on February 21
If you’re in the Austin, Texas, area, join us at the LBJ Presidential Library for the teacher workshop "The Struggle for Voting Rights: From the 15th Amendment to Today," on February 21st.
Working with Documents in Remembering WWI
Ready-to-use strategies for helping students work with newly digitized WWI-era primary sources featured in the new Remembering WWI app
Adult Citizenship Education Summit at the National Archives
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the National Archives are hosting an adult citizenship education summit on using document learning strategies to teach ESL and civics education.
Join us at NCSS!
Find National Archives and Presidential Libraries sessions at the 2017 NCSS conference.
Upcoming Webinar: WWI Resources for the Classroom
Join us for the free professional development webinar "WWI Resources for the Classroom: The Remembering WWI App and" on October 24, 2017, from 7-8 p.m. ET. Register today Connect with new resources for teaching WWI during this fun and informative webinar! Remembering WWI is an app for iPads and Android tablets for exploring, collaborating, and engaging with our extensive collection of WWI … Continue reading Upcoming Webinar: WWI Resources for the Classroom
New Professional Development Webinar Series: Finding Resources Related to Native Americans and Alaska Natives
Register for one or both of our fall webinars in a new series for educators featuring resources for locating and using Federal records related to Native Americans and Alaska Natives.