If you'll be near Washington, DC, join us for our upcoming programs and professional development opportunities. Magna Carta Family Day Saturday, June 6, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Celebrate 800 years of Magna Carta! Meet Eileen Cameron and Doris Ettlinger, the author and illustrator of Rupert's Parchment: Story of Magna Carta, a new book perfect for ages 6-11. Participants will … Continue reading Summer Programs in DC: Cursive, Immigration, July 4th, Genealogy, Magna Carta and a Sleepover!
Category: Professional Development
Summer Professional Development
We still have a few spots available for summertime PD around the country. Teacher Professional Development at the National History Day National Contest Teaching Historical Inquiry using Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange through Multiple Lenses of Immigration June 15, 9–11:30 a.m. at the University of Maryland How is history researched and written? Do students know how to read historical texts? … Continue reading Summer Professional Development
Thanks, Teachers! Great finds!
Special thanks goes out to teachers who digitized some really cool documents as part of our Primarily Teaching Summer Institute.
Truman Library Teachers Conference in July
The 12th annual Teachers Conference will take place July 13–17.
Open Registration for Summer Professional Development
We are now accepting applications for Primarily Teaching—our summer institute for educators on using historical documents in the classroom. Learn more and apply online. Summer 2015 workshops will be held at our locations in: Atlanta (Morrow, GA) June 22–26 Chicago, June 22–26 Seattle, July 6–10 Washington, DC, July 6–10 West Branch, IA, July 20–24 All workshops will have a national theme—Exploration, … Continue reading Open Registration for Summer Professional Development
A Variety of Resources for Educators
We offer distance learning programs, a Constitution-based learning lab, our new Bill of Rights eBook and iPad app, and many other online and in-person resources.
Primary Sources With Some Help from Historypin
Teachers used Historypin in a recent workshop to learn about the CCC and its lasting impact in their community.
December Education Programs
Check out some of our events around the country in December.
See you at NCSS!
Catch up with us at several events to hear what's new at the National Archives and Presidential Libraries.
Reminder: Educators’ Open House
For those of you in the DC area, please join us at our Educators’ Open House on Thursday, November 13 from 5:30–7:30 pm at the National Archives Museum in Washington, D.C. Come spend the evening and find out more about what we offer for you and your classroom! No pre-registration is required. Light refreshments will be served. Please bring your colleagues along! NARA Educators' Open … Continue reading Reminder: Educators’ Open House