We're looking for teachers who actively teach World War I in the classroom to test our new app.
Category: Partner Organizations
Find the National Archives at NCSS!
Join us for workshops and special events as part of the National Council for the Social Studies Conference in Washington, DC, in December 2016.
It’s Almost Constitution Day!
Here are a few resources that you can use to talk about the Constitution with your students on Constitution Day or any time.
WWI App Coming Soon, with Help from Educators
Teachers provided invaluable feedback for a new WWI app, set for release early this fall.
WWI App User-Design Workshop for Educators in Kansas City
We invite educators to participate in a free World War I app user-design workshop on Saturday, June 25, at the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, MO.
Summer Professional Development Opportunities
Join us for summer PD!
Reorganizing the Executive Branch: Distance Learning with the Hoover Library
We offer two free interactive videoconferencing programs on Digital Learning Day, Feb. 17: "Reorganizing the Executive Branch: Hoover and the Federal Government."
Presidential Powers Distance Learning Programs
A series of interactive videoconferencing programs for grades 5-12 will explore how different presidents in different eras have interpreted and exercised presidential powers.
Join us at NCSS!
Our sessions cover the Bill of Rights, the amendment process, civics, and teaching NHD and C3 with primary sources.
New Chinese Exclusion Act Book and Course!
Students can explore the impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the personal stories of those it touched, through these new learning tools.