Our new Historic Video Footage web page lists over 500 videos related to this year’s NHD theme that students can use in their projects. We have included a sampling on our YouTube channel.
Tag: guest_blogger
Connecting Science and Diplomacy: President Ford at 100
Our new "Apollo-Soyuz: Space Age Detente" activity invites students to explore how President Ford used the first joint country space flight as a diplomatic opportunity.
The Documents Behind Twelve Years a Slave
Students can see part of Solomon Northup’s story, told in his 1853 autobiography and the new movie, Twelve Years a Slave, in documents found in the National Archives.
More Primary Sources in DocsTeach!
Several new documents have been added to DocsTeach over the past few months. Our former intern shares some of her favorite new additions.
Free National History Day Webinar on November 12th
The National Archives, the NHD organization, experienced teachers, and experienced students will discuss strategies for success and how to use National Archives resources.
Vote for our first “Records of Rights” display document!
Get your students involved in choosing which rights-related document will display in our new exhibition, “Records of Rights,” opening November 8 in Washington, DC.
What Effect Did the WWII Fair Employment Practices Commission Have on the Civil Rights Movement?
Today’s post comes from Joel Walker, education specialist at the National Archives at Atlanta. On December 31, 1942, the Counter Intelligence Section of the Seventh Naval District based in Jacksonville, Florida, distributed its monthly summary of subversive activities. On page two of the summary, under the heading "Activities Concerning Negroes," was printed a small paragraph … Continue reading What Effect Did the WWII Fair Employment Practices Commission Have on the Civil Rights Movement?
Teachers Grapple with Timely Topic: The Camp David Accords 35 Years Later
Social studies teachers participated in the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum’s 2013 Summer Seminar for educators, The Camp David Accords 35 Years Later: Looking Back to Discover Future Prospects for Mideast Peace, this past July.
“Mandating Morality:” The Comstock Act and Obscenity Cases in the National Archives
Today’s post comes from Kris Jarosik, education specialist at the National Archives at Chicago, working alongside Ang Reidell, education specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. There was a time when the U.S. government seized photos and pamphlets and confiscated contraception sent through the mail. Thousands were charged with breaking federal law and over 500 cases … Continue reading “Mandating Morality:” The Comstock Act and Obscenity Cases in the National Archives
What’s the difference between the National Archives and the Library of Congress?
I co-wrote today’s post with Stephen Wesson at the Library of Congress. It is also posted on the Teaching with the Library of Congress blog. In 10 words or less, it’s what we've got and how we got it. But we’ll go on. Because we get asked this question a lot. Both of us do. And because both … Continue reading What’s the difference between the National Archives and the Library of Congress?