Our sessions cover the Bill of Rights, the amendment process, civics, and teaching NHD and C3 with primary sources.
Tag: Civics
New DocsTeach Activity: Congress in Article I of the U.S. Constitution
Students match primary sources to clauses from Article I of the U.S. Constitution that detail six powers of Congress in our newest online activity.
Constitution Day is September 17!
Celebrate and learn more about our Federal Government’s founding document with these activities and resources.
Why Did We Need a New Constitution?
For Constitution Day, your students can see the economic problems of the Articles of Confederation by reading this petition.
“His Highness, The President” and the First Congress: Moving Toward Republicanism
A congressional debate in 1789 about a title of nobility for the president was a turning point toward republicanism.
Teaching with the Records of Congress
An introductory video of educational resources available from the Center for Legislative Archives, featuring perspectives from teachers who use these records of Congress in their classrooms
The DocsTeach App for iPad
The DocsTeach App extends learning activities from the DocsTeach website to your students' iPads. Using the app, they can choose a topic, such as “Civics & Government” or “Postwar U.S. 1945–early 1970s,” and challenge themselves with a DocsTeach activity, interacting with stories, events, and ideas of the past. The activities are all based on primary source documents from the … Continue reading The DocsTeach App for iPad
Dumping the Flow Chart of the Legislative Process
Watching C-SPAN or using the old textbook flow chart can be a pretty boring way to teach the legislative process. As future voters, it is important for students to understand how lawmaking works and what role they will play in that process. But how can you do it without putting your students to sleep? Making … Continue reading Dumping the Flow Chart of the Legislative Process