Join us for upcoming programs at our locations and at the annual NCSS conference in Boston!
Category: Professional Development
National Archives’ Educators’ Open House
Announcing our first ever Educators’ Open House! Come find out what we offer for your classroom.
October Education Programs
Join us during October at one of our upcoming education programs—either on site or in conjunction with one of our partner organizations.
Free NHD Webinar on Primary Sources on October 7th
Learn more about how primary sources can be used successfully in NHD projects. Join us, along with NHD and the White House Historical Association, on October 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. ET.
Interns Help Make Newly Digitized Documents Available to Teachers on DocsTeach
Many new primary sources are now available as teaching tools on thanks to our summer interns!
Teachers Find TVA Documents in Atlanta
Their efforts doubled our collection of TVA-related documents on!
Teachers Digitize Boston Schools Desegregation Case at the National Archives at Boston
Documents from the civil action court case Tallulah Morgan et al. v. James W. Hennigan et al. are online for the first time.
Teachers Digitize Immigration Documents in Washington, DC
Over 50 documents related to Ellis Island and immigration are now available thanks to teachers in our Primarily Teaching summer institute.
Digitization and Civil Rights at Primarily Teaching in Chicago
Over 30 documents related to the topic "Chicago: Journey for Civil Rights in the Midwest" are now online thanks to teachers in Chicago.
Teaching with Artifacts: What Edith Galt Wilson’s Suit Can Teach Students about World War I and Women in America
Students feel like detectives on a mission to discover what they can learn about history when they learn with artifacts.