February is African American History Month

In celebration, the National Archives has teamed up with other federal agencies and cultural institutions to provide digital content, including resources for teachers. Along with the Library of Congress, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, we pay tribute to the generations of … Continue reading February is African American History Month

To What Extent was Reconstruction a Revolution?

Reconstruction was a tumultuous period in American history, and the question of whether it produced lasting change in regard to civil rights is still debated by scholars. A DocsTeach Activity using primary sources allows your students to enter the debate and develop critical thinking skills by evaluating historical congressional records as historians. Available on DocsTeach.org, … Continue reading To What Extent was Reconstruction a Revolution?

Access the Writings of the Founding Fathers on Founders Online

Founders Online, a brand new online tool, is a searchable archive of the correspondence and other writings of six of the Founding Fathers.

Resources for Teaching about the Constitution

September 17th is Constitution Day! Here are resources from the National Archives and some of our partner organizations for teaching about the Constitution.

1963: The Struggle for Civil Rights, a New Website

A new interactive website created by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum and the Kennedy Library Foundation, presents seven key "chapters" in one of the most tumultuous years in civil rights history. Each chapter on 1963: The Struggle for Civil Rights features primary sources that help students dig into the real stuff of history - film footage, documents, … Continue reading 1963: The Struggle for Civil Rights, a New Website

The DocsTeach App for iPad

The DocsTeach App extends learning activities from the DocsTeach website to your students' iPads. Using the app, they can choose a topic, such as “Civics & Government” or “Postwar U.S. 1945–early 1970s,” and challenge themselves with a DocsTeach activity, interacting with stories, events, and ideas of the past. The activities are all based on primary source documents from the … Continue reading The DocsTeach App for iPad