Get ready to go back to school with new professional development webinars from the National Archives!
Tag: voting_rights
2019 Summer Professional Development Around the National Archives
This summer, join us for one of our professional development workshops for educators. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEBINARS Visit the National Archives without leaving your school or home! Our interactive webinars feature resources and strategies for bringing primary sources into your classroom: DocsTeach On Demand, by request America and the World: Foreign Affairs in Political Cartoons, 1898–1940, May … Continue reading 2019 Summer Professional Development Around the National Archives
New Women’s Rights Teaching Resources
Find primary sources and teaching activities related to women's rights and changing roles in American history on a new DocsTeach topic page.
Fifth and Sixth Graders Learn About Voting, Civic Engagement, and Women’s Suffrage
Students in New Jersey examined letters to Congress, comparing points of view and main arguments. One letter was in favor of women's suffrage. The other was from a women’s group opposed to giving women the right to vote.
Free Display to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment
*UPDATE: Thank you for your interest. All displays have been claimed. But high-resolution Rightfully Hers posters will be made available on our website for free by early March. We’re offering a limited number of free pop-up displays called Rightfully Hers to schools and cultural institutions nationwide. The display contains simple messages exploring the sometimes complex history … Continue reading Free Display to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment
New on DocsTeach: WWI Stories, Google Classroom Integration, Maps, Voting Rights, and More
We've been busy adding new primary sources and features to DocsTeach, the online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives. Here are some recent highlights: Maps from the Moll Atlas - Cartographer Herman Moll worked on "The World Described or, A New and Correct Sett of Maps" from 1707 to 1717. His series … Continue reading New on DocsTeach: WWI Stories, Google Classroom Integration, Maps, Voting Rights, and More
“The Struggle for Voting Rights” Workshop on February 21
If you’re in the Austin, Texas, area, join us at the LBJ Presidential Library for the teacher workshop "The Struggle for Voting Rights: From the 15th Amendment to Today," on February 21st.
Congress Protects the Right to Vote: The Voting Rights Act of 1965
A lesson on the Voting Rights Act puts students in the shoes of members of Congress as they deliberated the bill.
To What Extent was Reconstruction a Revolution?
Reconstruction was a tumultuous period in American history, and the question of whether it produced lasting change in regard to civil rights is still debated by scholars. A DocsTeach Activity using primary sources allows your students to enter the debate and develop critical thinking skills by evaluating historical congressional records as historians. Available on, … Continue reading To What Extent was Reconstruction a Revolution?