We're happy to share some recent improvements we've made to DocsTeach.org, our online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives! New Analyzing Documents Tool We're very excited about our first new activity tool since we launched DocsTeach almost seven years ago! Create activities with the Analyzing Documents tool to teach students the process of document … Continue reading New Features on DocsTeach
Tag: supreme_court
“Three Generations of Imbeciles are Enough” — The Case of Buck v. Bell
A newly digitized Supreme Court Case file can help students learn about the eugenics movement and its impact on one of the most infamous Supreme Court decisions: Buck v. Bell.
“Freedom of” or “Freedom From” Religion?
This post is part of our series on the Bill of Rights. We’re highlighting primary sources from our student workbook Putting the Bill of Rights to the Test, that helps students explore core concepts found within the Bill of Rights, and how they’ve impacted American history. This year marks the 225th anniversary of the ratification of the first 10 amendments to the … Continue reading “Freedom of” or “Freedom From” Religion?
New Teaching Activity: From Dred Scott to the Civil Rights Act of 1875
Students will learn how rights for African-Americans changed quickly from the Dred Scott decision to the Civil Rights Act of 1875 by examining primary sources and explaining the relationships between them.