Mr. President, It is my Desire to be free.

"Mr. President, It is my Desire to be free." Thus wrote (another - not me!) Annie Davis to Abraham Lincoln, 20 months after he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Writing from Belair, Maryland, she continued, “Will you please let me know if we are free.” But she was not. The Emancipation Proclamation affected only those states … Continue reading Mr. President, It is my Desire to be free.

Play Ball! (Primary Sources Edition)

Have you ever used current events to pique students' interest? Leveraged your students' hobbies to guide which primary sources you offer up for analysis? Do you have baseball fans in your classroom? We've got a brand new resource full of primary source documents, photographs, video, audio, and more. It's a free eBook we published just in … Continue reading Play Ball! (Primary Sources Edition)