The 97th National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Annual Conference starts next month in San Francisco.
[Update: the Advise the President clinic previously scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 16th has been canceled]
Please join us for some or all of the following sessions:
Distance Learning Workshop with LIVE Demonstration
Saturday, Nov. 18, 9:15 am to 11:15 am
Distance Learning provides unique opportunities for students to connect to experts and places. Learn about distance learning opportunities for classrooms, professional development, and participate in a LIVE session.
Presented by:
- Elizabeth Dinschel, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
- Matt Hall, Internet2
- Anand Marri & Graham Long, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Kathleen McGuigan, Library of Congress
- Katie Munn, National Archives in Washington, DC
- Lynne O’Hara, National History Day
- Jennifer Rudnick, National Park Service
- Jenny Sweeney, National Archives at Fort Worth
- Jeff Urbin, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
Family History, Diversity, and Culture with National Archives Primary Sources
Saturday, Nov. 18, 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Engage students in authentic research to discover family history with primary sources. Tap into diversity found within family histories to understand immigration and diverse cultures. The past comes alive!
Presented by:
- Missy McNatt, National Archives in Washington, DC
- Jenny Sweeney, National Archives at Fort Worth
Exhibition Hall Booth 612
And don’t forget to stop by and visit with the Presidential Libraries and National Archives at booth 612!