May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month and Jewish American Heritage Month

In celebration, the National Archives has teamed up with other federal agencies and cultural institutions to provide digital content, including resources for teachers. Along with the Library of Congress, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, we pay tribute "to the generations of Jewish … Continue reading May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month and Jewish American Heritage Month

Dumping the Flow Chart of the Legislative Process

Watching C-SPAN or using the old textbook flow chart can be a pretty boring way to teach the legislative process. As future voters, it is important for students to understand how lawmaking works and what role they will play in that process. But how can you do it without putting your students to sleep? Making … Continue reading Dumping the Flow Chart of the Legislative Process

Inside the White House on Historypin

From 1947 through 1952, the White House underwent a complete reconstruction within its original exterior walls. To get a better idea about the transformation of the White House, and "witness" its 1950s renovation compared to the current look of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, you and your students can take a visual tour of the Blue Room on Historypin. Shortly after … Continue reading Inside the White House on Historypin

Play Ball! (Primary Sources Edition)

Have you ever used current events to pique students' interest? Leveraged your students' hobbies to guide which primary sources you offer up for analysis? Do you have baseball fans in your classroom? We've got a brand new resource full of primary source documents, photographs, video, audio, and more. It's a free eBook we published just in … Continue reading Play Ball! (Primary Sources Edition)

DocsTeach has been rocking for two and a half years.

"Primary Sources Rock." I first read that tweet in October 2010, in reaction to the launch of, our then brand-new online tool for teaching with documents.  I used that phrase the next month as the title of my post on our sister blog, NARAtions, in which I shared some of the great feedback we were already hearing about the site. In … Continue reading DocsTeach has been rocking for two and a half years.

Helping Students Remember all of those New Deal Agencies

When I taught United States history to middle schoolers, my fellow teachers and I grappled with figuring out how to teach the New Deal. We wanted to create lessons to help our students get a handle on all of the New Deal agencies that were created in response to the Great Depression—and in the limited amount … Continue reading Helping Students Remember all of those New Deal Agencies