Images from Nixon Visits China activity

At-Home Learning Activities for High School

Check out these online resources for teaching American history or government to high school students.

The Legislative Race game board

At-Home Learning Activities for Middle School

Check out these online activities and lesson plans from around the National Archives and Presidential Libraries for teaching civics or American history to Middle School students.

New DocsTeach Activity: Congress in Article I of the U.S. Constitution

Students match primary sources to clauses from Article I of the U.S. Constitution that detail six powers of Congress in our newest online activity.

Dumping the Flow Chart of the Legislative Process

Watching C-SPAN or using the old textbook flow chart can be a pretty boring way to teach the legislative process. As future voters, it is important for students to understand how lawmaking works and what role they will play in that process. But how can you do it without putting your students to sleep? Making … Continue reading Dumping the Flow Chart of the Legislative Process