Join us for a free educator workshop on June 21st to learn about our new Remembering WWI app.
Author: Stephanie
Upcoming PD Webinar: Native Voices from the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Join us to learn about incorporating the Honoring Tribal Legacies Handbook into your curriculum on June 5th.
New Features on DocsTeach
We're happy to share some recent improvements we've made to, our online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives! New Analyzing Documents Tool We're very excited about our first new activity tool since we launched DocsTeach almost seven years ago! Create activities with the Analyzing Documents tool to teach students the process of document … Continue reading New Features on DocsTeach
Summer Workshop: Teaching the Vietnam War through Documents, Photography, and Poetry
The National Archives and the Academy of American Poets have partnered to produce a dynamic summer teacher workshop on the subject of the Vietnam War.
The “Write” Stuff: Literacy, Writing, and Research Festival this July
We invite students, teachers, and families to join us for a free summer writing festival at the National Archives!
Summertime Professional Development at our Presidential Libraries
This summer, join us for one of our professional development workshops for educators on using primary sources in the classroom at the Truman, Eisenhower, or Hoover Library.
New Gallery Packs for Students Visiting the National Archives Museum
Our new gallery packs provide hands-on learning activities for each of our permanent museum exhibits.
Meet Our New Document Analysis Worksheets!
Our new worksheets have a new look and reinforce a standard progression while guiding students through the document analysis process.
Upcoming PD Webinar: Bringing Native American Voices into Your Classroom
Join us April 6th to learn about bringing Native American viewpoints and primary sources into your lessons.
New “Remembering WWI” App Release!
Remembering WWI is an iPad and Android app for exploring, collaborating, and engaging with an extensive collection of WWI photographs and moving images.