Hundreds of primary sources and teaching activities are available on a new webpage devoted to Women’s Rights and Roles in American History on DocsTeach, the online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives. It’s one of our several Popular Topics pages.

Many of the documents, photos, and other primary sources are featured in the new National Archives exhibits Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote and One Half of the People: Advancing Equality for Women that commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.
Some highlights on the new page include:
Petitions & Letters
Read documents sent to Congress and others in support of women’s suffrage – from individuals, organizations, and suffrage associations around the country.
Photos of Protests & Suffrage Activities
Find images of parades, marches, protests, and picketing the White House.
The Anti-Suffrage Movement
Anti-suffragists formed organizations to resist a federal women’s suffrage amendment. Some argued, among other reasons, that involvement in politics would change family roles; others believed it was a decision best left to the states.
Citizenship Rights
Historically a woman’s citizenship status in the United States was linked to the man she married. Legislation over the years solidified and then changed this practice.
Women Who Pushed The Boundaries
Explore diverse stories of women who pushed the limits of what was expected and accepted of them.
Teaching Activities
Access online activities about:
- the amendment process,
- the duration and techniques of the women’s suffrage movement,
- arguments for and against giving women the vote,
- a comparison of the women’s suffrage and Civil Rights movements, and
- how – for some – the struggle to vote persisted even after the 19th amendment.
Find these and many other topics on the DocsTeach Women’s Rights page!
Very good article for this time. Women empowerment and women rights should be the main concern for all of us. And also freedom of speech for all socity, region, cast are needed now a days.