Check out our schedule of summer and fall webinars for educators. Visit the National Archives without leaving your school or home! Our interactive webinars feature historical documents, images, maps, posters, and other primary sources — as well as resources and strategies for bringing primary sources into your classroom. All are free of charge.
Find the complete list and more information on our website.
An Introduction to and Online Resources from the National Archives
Monday, August 13, 2018, 12 p.m. EDT & Friday, August 17, 2018, 3 p.m. EDT
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Gear up for the 2018-2019 school year with an introduction to, the online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives. Discover primary sources for teaching history and civics topics. Explore the 12 different document-based activity tools and learn how, with a free DocsTeach account, you can create your own activities or modify existing activities to share with your students. Also learn about additional online resources from the National Archives including document analysis worksheets, and lesson plans and eBooks from the Center for Legislative Archives.
Preview of 2018 Distance Learning Programs for Students
Monday, August 13, 2018, 3 p.m. EDT & Friday, August 17, 2018, 12 p.m EDT
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Discover how you can bring the National Archives to your classroom through interactive, primary source-based distance learning programs! In this special half-hour session, you will preview our K-12 distance learning programs, including new programs for the 2018-2019 school year. Learn about the technology requirements and how to prepare your students for the different programs.
Women’s Voices in the Records of Congress
Wednesday, August 15, 2018, 12 p.m. EDT
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This program is part of a new webinar series from the Center for Legislative Archives. Get an early look at new education resources and projects in development at the Center for Legislative Archives featuring the records of Congress.
The first webinar in this series will explore women’s voices in the fight for suffrage in the records of the 45th Congress around the time when Senator Aaron Sargent first introduced a woman suffrage amendment to the Constitution. During this webinar you will receive primary sources and activity suggestions that will help students understand the agency of women in the fight for the right to vote, and evaluate the arguments made for and against woman suffrage by women and men in the 1870s.
Teaching the Constitution with Political Cartoons
Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 7 p.m. EDT
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Join the Center for Legislative Archives to discover how to use political cartoons to teach about the United States Constitution. Offered for the second year, this webinar will draw from the collection of Clifford K. Berryman cartoons from the U.S. Senate Collection. Berryman’s career as a political cartoonist in Washington, DC, spanned five decades and his cartoons are a rich resource for history and civics lessons.
During this interactive webinar, you will practice techniques for helping students evaluate visual content and explore ideas for how to use political cartoons to illustrate the “Big Ideas” of the Constitution, such as separation of powers and representative democracy. You will also explore additional resources from the National Archives for integrating political cartoons in the classroom, such as This webinar is designed for middle school and high school educators.
Citizen Archivists in the Classroom Using the New “Native Communities” Program and DocsTeach
Saturday, September 15, 2018, 12 noon EDT
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Join us for a step-by-step introduction to the using the new “Native Communities” program in conjunction with Citizen Archivist initiatives and to introduce students to effective primary source research with the possibility of real-time application and practice.
This program is especially for high school and college students and their educators, as well as tribal communities wishing to incorporate relevant Federal Government records into their classrooms. Final products can be published for the general public or kept private for single classroom use only.
This webinar is part of our Native American professional development series. Each program features new resources for locating and using Federal records related to American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Native American Stories about the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Thursday, October 18, 2018, Offered at both 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. EDT
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Join us for this program focusing upon specific curriculum approaches from Honoring Tribal Legacies (from the University of Oregon, National Park Service Lewis and Clark Trail, and the National Archives) using primary sources, stories, songs, theater, video, and classroom experiments. Incorporate these and other National Archives resources into your own classroom materials to teach the Native side of the Lewis and Clark experience. Included will be new material designed to help relate the Native American experience to your own area of the United States. (Live Native storyteller to be announced.)
This webinar is part of our Native American professional development series.
The Making of American Indian Treaties
Thursday, November 1, 2018, Offered at both 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. EDT
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The National Archives holds all original American Indian treaties and their associated materials. Many of these materials are now being digitized for the first time as part of an ongoing scanning project. Imagine your students producing a play, video, or reenactment using the actual materials produced by treaty negotiators at the time – and focused on the area your students know best, their very own community.
This webinar is part of our Native American professional development series.
Teaching the Indian Removal Act of 1830
Thursday, November 15, 2018, Offered at both 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. EDT
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Many people associate the term “Trail of Tears” with the forced removal of the Cherokee Nation from the southeastern U.S. to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). However, there were hundreds of other forced removals of tribes to various locations across the United States, some of which might have been from (or crossed through) your very own area of the country.
New online lessons and resources provide perspectives from Native American community members, documents, maps, images, and classroom activities to help teach an important and difficult chapter in the history – both of Native communities and of the United States. Coupled with historical U.S. Government records, these resources provide a fuller picture of the scope of removal and its impact on Native people. Join us to learn what resources are available so you can incorporate them into your own curriculum. Suitable for secondary grade levels.
This webinar is part of our Native American professional development series.
Penpals from the Past: American Indian Schools in the United States
Thursday, December 13, 2018, Offered at both 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. EDT
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Is there anything more compelling than a letter from a penpal? What if you and your students could read letters, or even see Christmas lists, from American Indian students living in boarding schools in the past – or see images of students in their classrooms? Join us for a look at some examples. Learn a little about their experiences; and engage in the formerly complex process of accessing American Indian boarding and day school records, now made easier through our Native Communities Program.
This webinar is part of our Native American professional development series.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
As a College teacher of General Education, I find this resource valuable as a tool to empower my students, spark their creativity, critical thinking, empassion their research and questioning technique.
thank you for reminding