Today’s post comes from Katie Munn, education specialist at the National Archives in Washington, DC.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the National Archives are hosting an adult citizenship education summit on using document learning strategies to teach ESL and civics education!

This event is scheduled for Monday, November 13, 2017, 9 AM to 4 PM at The National Archives in Washington, DC.
This free training is open to adult civics and citizenship educators and is designed to enhance the skills needed to teach U.S. history, civics, and the naturalization process to immigrant students.
Participants will discover how to:
- Create lessons and activities using documents and primary sources to teach civics and history content.
- Create lessons and activities using documents and primary sources to teach English language skills and proficiency.
- Adapt instruction using documents and primary sources to meet the needs of students across English language proficiency levels.
- Identify and access National Archives online resources for use in classroom instruction.
- Identify and access USCIS online resources for use in classroom instruction.
Register at:
Registration deadline: November 6, 2017
Hi There, do you know if this event is going to take place this year as well? Many thanks, Silvino
Hi Silvino — We have no upcoming plans for a similar workshop this year. However, you can see some examples of learning materials created with primary sources, like those shown at the summit last year, on our DocsTeach website:
Many thanks, Stephanie! I’ll check this out. Cheers, Silvino.
Many thanks Stephanie! I’ll check this out. Cheers, Silvino