The Truman Library’s 12th annual Teachers Conference will take place this summer from July 13–17.

This year’s conference, “1945: V.P. & President. War End,” will fully examine the year 1945.
Presenters from various presidential libraries, scholars, and historians will look at the year from multiple perspectives. The conference will examine the roles of Franklin Roosevelt in World War II, the leadership of Winston Churchill, the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, social issues such as the importance of baseball in postwar America, Truman’s ascent to the presidency, and the issue of ending the war in Japan.
The National Archives, the Library of Congress and the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education will share resources and activities.
Teachers will have time during the week to research and develop lesson plans, which will be posted in the Truman Library’s online lesson plan database.
Find more information, the application, and lessons created at previous conferences on the Truman Library website.