Update: The recorded theme webinar is now posted on National History Day’s YouTube channel!
Kick off this year’s NHD theme on September 12th! Today’s post comes from Lynne O’Hara, Director of Programs for National History Day.
Join us on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT to learn more about the theme on a live webinar with NHD, the National Archives, and the White House Historical Association.
Register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/843219150155499009.

This year National History Day (NHD) students will delve into a topic based on the theme, Conflict & Compromise in History. They will ask questions that lead down the path of discovery of not just what occurred, but how it occurred, and, most importantly, why it occurred and what the consequences were. As they research they will discover the basic facts about their topic first and then they will look deeper. They will examine the factors that contributed to the development of the event, its influence on history, and the effect it had on the community, society, nation, and the world.
Conflict & Compromise in History is complex and requires students to view history through multiple perspectives. Compromise can sometimes prevent a conflict, but what happens when it does not? If a conflict occurs, how can compromises help to end the conflict? What happens if a failed compromise leads to an even larger conflict?
For this year’s theme, students address the theme based on their topic. While many NHD topics will naturally fit both sides of the theme, it’s not necessary to force the other side. At the same time, students should not ignore obvious connections. Often topics that include both sides will be more conflict or more compromise – and that is fine! History is not a neat 50/50 split most of the time.
To learn more about the NHD theme, download a free copy of the NHD themebook at www.nhd.org/themebook. To learn more about NHD resources and programs, sign up for the NHD newsletter at www.nhd.org/newsletter.
For resources related to National History Day and information about researching at a National Archives or a Presidential Library facility, visit: www.archives.gov/education/history-day.
You can also use the special NHD DocsTeach page from the National Archives to help your students prepare for NHD 2018. Choose teaching activities to get them thinking about conflict and compromise; and share primary sources for possible NHD topics.