We’ve launched Remembering WWI, an iPad and Android app for exploring, collaborating, and engaging with our extensive collection of WWI photographs and moving images. The app commemorates the 100-year anniversary, in April 2017, of the U.S. entry into World War.
It is now available in the iTunes and Google Play stores.
The National Archives, together with our partners at Historypin, is leading this national collaborative effort with participation from the Library of Congress and National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, the WWI Centennial Commission, the American Association for State and Local History, and the National WWI Museum and Memorial.
The app invites people nationwide to contribute their own stories and play a part in the centennial commemoration of the First World War. Building on an amazing moving image and photographic archive being digitized and preserved as part of a larger Wartime Films Project, the app features thousands of rarely seen public domain images and films to encourage discovery and creative reuse.
Intended in part for classroom instruction, Remembering WWI provides educators with the digital sources and narrative-building tools to help students foster an understanding of World War I.

Using the archival content within the app, you can create your own collections and build and share new narratives around the people, events, and themes you’re exploring. Thematic collections from the National Archives, the Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian are featured to serve as inspiration or starting points for content discovery and reuse.

Educators are one of our primary audiences for this app, and we are grateful for those who participated in our user-design sessions and helped influence how this WWI app will be used in classrooms across the country.
To connect with other educators using the app, or discuss methods for using the app in the classroom, visit our History Hub. You can also ask general questions, report bugs, and find additional resources.
And visit our special WWI page on DocsTeach to find, and even download, many of the photos and videos included in the app, plus many more. Browse primary sources by topic or access online teaching activities related to WWI.
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