The National Archives at New York City’s Learning Center is hosting two educational events next week for New York City area educators.

On Thursday, October 15th starting at 4:00 pm, the National Archives is hosting an Educator’s Open House. Teachers will have an opportunity to explore our Learning Center, find out about student field trips and teacher professional development, and take home facsimile copies of primary source documents. Teachers will also learn about our online education resources, including and our Congress Creates the Bill of Rights App.
In addition, in support of the 225th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, historian Carol Berkin will give a short talk about her new book The Bill of Rights: The Fight to Secure America’s Liberties. The first 40 teachers to arrive will receive a free copy of the book! Light refreshments will be served.
For more information or to register for the Educator Open House, email
On Saturday, October 17th starting at 10:00 am, the National Archives at New York City will host the 6th Annual K-12 Archives Education Institute. This annual event, part of New York Archives Week, brings together educators and archivists from around New York City around a particular theme. This year’s theme is Women’s History!
Educators and archivists from all five boroughs will explore the theme through documents, photographs, costumes, ephemera, digitized materials and other sources that address Women’s History!
This program is a collaborative partnership between the Archivist Round Table of Metropolitan New York, the United Federation of Teachers/Association of the Teachers of Social Studies, and the National Archives at New York City. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
For more information about the program, visit the Archivist Round Table AEI page at To register for the program, fill out the 2015 K-12 Archives Education Institute Application.
The National Archives at New York City’s Learning Center is located on the 3rd Floor of the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House at One Bowling Green in Lower Manhattan. For more information, including directions, visit