Our new Historic Video Footage web page lists over 500 videos related to this year’s NHD theme that students can use in their projects. We have included a sampling on our YouTube channel.
Tag: national_history_day
New Date: Free National History Day Webinar November 12th
The National Archives, the NHD organization, experienced teachers, and experienced students will discuss strategies for success and how to use National Archives resources.
Free National History Day Webinar on November 12th
The National Archives, the NHD organization, experienced teachers, and experienced students will discuss strategies for success and how to use National Archives resources.
DC Students Compete at the National Archives for National History Day
Today's post comes from education intern Stephen Pearson. Over two days earlier this month, students arrived at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC, ready to compete. There was excitement and nervous energy in the air. Both the students and history came to life through dynamic performances, stirring documentaries, and eye-popping exhibits, just to name … Continue reading DC Students Compete at the National Archives for National History Day