The National Archives and Presidential Libraries, Internet2 community, National Park Service, and cultural and historic organizations nationwide are proud to offer a new lineup for the 2023 Presidential Primary Sources Project (PPSP), a series of free, standards-aligned, 45-minute interactive videoconferencing webinars aimed at students in grades 4-12.

Register Today! Registration is open now, so visit the project website for more information and sign up today!
The series will run from January through March of 2023. In addition to the interactive video component, each program will be live-streamed and recorded for on-demand viewing for free.

With guidance from National Park Service rangers and library educators, students will learn how to use and analyze primary sources to better understand the historical legacies of our nation’s presidents.
“Primary sources are extremely important for students to study in order to reach conclusions on their own and explore the topic unbiasedly. Presentations like these help students think critically about their history and further advance students’ critical thinking skills for the real world,” a former PPSP teacher participant shared.
Get a sneak peek of what to expect with this short clip from one of our most popular PPSP sessions below, where Jeff Urbin, education specialist at the Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, shows students the wheelchair President Franklin Delano Roosevelt designed for himself.
View the 2023 PPSP Program Schedule
*All programs are live at 11 a.m. ET and 2 p.m. ET on their scheduled day and applicable to students grades 4-12.
January 17: A New Birth of Freedom: Examining Lincoln’s Views on Democracy and Slavery, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
January 19: President Grant’s Vision of Justice, Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
January 24: Slavery at Mount Vernon, George Washington’s Mount Vernon
January 26: Out of Paw-office: Presidential Pets in the White House, LBJ Library & White House Historical Association
January 31: Rosalynn Carter – Partner in Chief, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park
February 2: Portraits of Presidential Power Couples, Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery
February 7: Civil Rights to Human Rights: JFK, MLK, and RFK, The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
February 9: The Constitution and Presidential Powers, National Archives
February 14: Playing at Frontier Hunter: Theodore Roosevelt’s Experiences in the American West, Theodore Roosevelt Center
February 16: Exploring Lincoln in Washington, Ford’s Theatre and National Mall and Memorial Parks
February 21: You Are About to Embark Upon the Great Crusade, Eisenhower Foundation and National Mall and Memorial Park
February 23: Our Delicate Rights: Japanese American Incarceration, Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
February 28: The Women Behind the Women, First Ladies National Historic Site
March 2: From General to President to Me!, Eisenhower Foundation, Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site & George Washington’s Mount Vernon
March 7: Women’s Rights are Human Rights, Human Rights are Women’s Rights, Clinton Presidential Library
March 9: It’s a Pioneer Life, Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial and Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park
March 14: 7th Street Challenge: Lincoln’s Commute, President Lincoln’s Cottage
March 16: Public Lands, Public Lens: Establishing Protected Spaces, Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage and Theodore Roosevelt Center
March 21: Year of Decisions: 1948, Truman Presidential Library and Museum
March 23: Presidential Flair: Examining Campaign Buttons and the Message They Share, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park
March 28: Interrogating Presidential Photos, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum
March 30: Responding to Rebellion, George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage, & Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
April 5: Women For a Change: Gender Equality & the Carter Administration, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
Register for one or more of the Presidential Primary Sources Project’s free, interactive sessions today!