Join us for two upcoming programs! Young learners can “meet” Rosa Parks and astronaut Nicole Stott!
National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program: Meet Rosa Parks
On Thursday, February 17 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. EST, young learners can “meet” Rosa Parks (portrayed by Marti Gobel). Watch on YouTube.

It’s December 2, 1955—just a day after her arrest for her courageous actions on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Her actions sparked a movement permanently changing the tapestry of United States history.
Parks will talk about her life growing up in Tuskegee, Alabama, what led her to take a stand on that day in December, the friends and fellow civil rights activists who helped her get released from jail, and how that single day led to a rich career dedicated to elevating the lives of Blacks in America and earned her the name “the first lady of civil rights.”
Young Learners Program: Astronaut, Artist, and Earthling Nicole Stott
On Friday, February 18 from 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EST, young learners can meet NASA astronaut Nicole Stott. Watch on YouTube.

Stott, a former crewmember of the International Space Station, will share why she wanted to become an astronaut, what she learned about our planet by living in space, and how this knowledge inspires her art.