This summer, teachers and students can join us for workshops and programs at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum in Simi Valley, California.
Today’s post comes from education specialist Carina Morgan at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Film This! 2017
July 24-28
For: High School Students – any student who will be enrolled in 9-12th grade in the Fall 2017 semester
Cost: $200, scholarship applications available on request
To Register: Email us at with the subject line: Film This
High school students will shoot and edit an original documentary film with the help of film-industry professionals in this week-long film-making workshop. The students will be taught by professional animator and college instructor Eric van Hamersveld, graphic designer and college instructor Sue van Hamersveld, with assistance from actor Atticus Shaffer.

At the end of the week the students will screen their five-minute films, created using primary source resources from the National Archives collections along with their original footage.
In December they’ll return for the Reagan Library Student Film Festival when awards are given out in categories including Best Overall, Best Editing, and Best Use of Historical Resources. Find more information on the Reagan Library website.
Media Literacy Teacher Workshop
July 20
For: Secondary School Teachers, grades 7-12
Cost: Free
To Register: Email us at with the subject line: Media Literacy Teacher Workshop
Elizabeth Smith, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Communication at Pepperdine University, and Mira Cohen, Director of Education at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, will present a workshop for teachers including lesson plans and curriculum. The curriculum includes materials developed by the Reagan Library Education Department as well as the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum in Austin, Texas.
Dr. Smith will present a lecture on the history of the media in the United States to help teachers prepare their students to understand the context in which contemporary media practices evolved.
The curriculum and lesson plans presented by Cohen will empower teachers to develop their students’ analysis skills as students learn how to look for bias and inaccuracy in reporting.
Teaching History through Artifacts: Titanic at the Reagan
August 7 & September 30
For: Primary School Teachers, grades K-6
Cost: Free
To Register: Email us at with the subject line: Traveling Trunk Program
The Reagan Library is introducing a traveling trunk program about the Titanic for K-6 educators. These workshops are designed to highlight best practices for teaching with the included primary sources.
Trunks include a complete curriculum for grades K-6? based on the new CA HSS Framework?. By using the trunk program curriculum, educators will learn how to use the National Archives resources in their curriculum to develop activities and experiential exercises for their students.
Educators may reserve a trunk for their classroom, school or district at this workshop; though you do not have to attend a workshop to reserve a trunk.